"We are, all of us, stardust. Held together by love, for an instant."
Hi! My name is Ryver, or Pochi! I am the web-master of this site, or as i commonly call myself: the web-nurse of it! I am not great at introducing myself.. but i will try!
I am a 15 year old teen from west germany! I aspire to be a game developer and I already am the founder of LUMAR EXPRESS GAMES!
I love all things cute, jellyfish/bunny, pink, cyber/futuristic, tenshi kaiwai, magical girl, sweet and astronomy.. I also really love kaomojis (☆^ー^☆)
I like character designs with bunny suits, i do not know why but they are very comforting to me, especially when not sexualized..
I am mostly a writer with an affinity for world building. I also do art, programming (obviously) and crafts.. I am known to complain a lot about pain all over my body that no one knows why it is there
Haiiii... here is a more longer, proper intro than the one at the top.!!
My name is Ryver Theden. I am a queer 15 year old born and living in NRW, so west germany. Since I was small I was cut off from stuff a child should be able to obtain and/or have— I was not allowed to watch a lot of kids TV shows, mostly documentaries, not many kids books, games or toys, which is the biggest factor of me seeking out these things now that I do not live with my mother anymore. I have been in pain for as long as I can remember, yet nothing is done about it because the authorities in my life don't take it as seriously as I'd prefer them too— which is one of the points that got me into programming.
I have been in pain for as long as I can remember, yet nothing is done about it because the authorities in my life take it as seriously as I'd prefer them too— which is one of the points that got me into programming; my hands hurt the least out of my entire body. I first received internet access in late 2018/2019 (from what i can remember) through an android tablet that i shortly after accidentally flung across the room trying to get off my bed.. that tablet was also my first taste of getting scammed online (Blockstar planet...)
My favorite thing is writing, especially when it comes to Original Characters and World-building! I love coming up with pantheons and cultures to support them, how they evolve over the course of history and whatnot. My creativity has always been a huge part of me, which is also the reason i am prone to daydream i think..
Mirelette dragged me into Pokemon (once again) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
we made matching rp tumblrs for our gay team plasma ocs wtf i love this man.
did i mention I am NB but i use He/him.... actually i am not Nb, just unlabeled but yk. Labels fuck me up anyway i HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways back to my man because that is all i talk about, he is so gorgeous so goofy for all I know he could be opening Pokemon cards like i don't exist and I will be swooning.
For your information this isn't a honeymoon phase i have been this way about him since 2016. YEA I HAVE BEEN SWOONING SINCE I WAS LIKE 6 DO NAWT JUDGE ME HE IS THAT FANTASTIC
can you tell that I am desperately trying to fill this page up.
we've been together since 2022 but it feels hella unreal. i am just a lovestruck fool afterall! How can someone be so helplessly in love like actually.
the nickname i made for him is also Lumarian, coming from Mirel (dust) and Ette (star). so stardust. ever so in love you give him a nickname from a language you made up?